Bee be beat it! chapter 2 release.
It was a tough time for the staff...seriously, our staff did our best but this is way over a monthly release...hmmm...we could use another translator to help us too. Only one translator on this manga will only keep this series dragged on too much. Calling to all the translator all over the world, help us translate this manga so we can release it at a faster pace!
Btw, thanks to Zook, you did a wonderful job on the redrawing, that's very skillful dude, actually. Glad to have you with us! And Uuuhhh too! it's terrific with that chapter of Kamen-teacher already and now this one too!
But not to forget our dear (and perverted) translator Frozenaquarium as well?
Koro-chan as well, he's has been the sole proofreaders for our group for god know how long...damn...we need Sadofu back or we can use another proofreader fast..I think Koro has come up with a crazy test for proofreader =))
Last but never the least: our dear typesetters for the series: ChaosMaster & Esluzuriaga
That's all of it
Cheers guys!